Activity-Based Costing Application in an Urban Mass Transport Company
Popesko Boris, Novák Petr
Activity-Based Costing, Urban mass transport, ABC implementation, overhead, cost allocation.
The purpose of this paper is to provide a basic overview of the application of Activity-Based
Costing in an urban mass transport company which operates land public transport via buses
and trolleys within the city. The case study was conducted using the Activity-Based Methodology
in order to calculate the true cost of individual operations and to measure the profitability
of particular transport lines. The case study analysis showed the possible effects of the application
of the Activity-Based Costing for an urban mass transport company as well as the limitations
of using the ABC methodology in the service industry.
With regards to the application of the ABC methodology, the primary limitation of the accuracy
of the conclusions is the quality of the non-financial information which had to be gathered
throughout the implementation process. A basic limitation of the accurate data acquisition is
the nature of the fare system of the transport company which does not allow the identification
of the route that is taken by an individual passenger. The study illustrates the technique of ABC
in urban mass transport and provides a real company example of information outputs of the
ABC system. The users indicated that, the ABC model is very useful for profitability reporting
and profit management. Also, the paper shows specific application of the Activity-Based
Methodology in conditions of urban mass transport companies with regional specifics.
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