The Effects on Purchase Intention: The Case of Fruit Juice
Zaynutdinova Nodira, Pálka Přemysl
brand equity, dimensions of brand equity, satisfaction, perceived risk, purchase intention
Promoting a company to the markets, the level of its competitiveness largely depends on how recognizable the company’s brand among consumers is.
This research study aims to analyze the direct effects of brand equity and satisfaction and the moderating effects of the degree of implication, perceived risk and grade of information on purchase intention. For this purpose, we developed an empirical study in the field of fruit juice applying the Aaker’s brand equity model.
We talk about the product that is bought and consumed with a certain frequency and from which there is a wide range of purchasing alternatives to choose from and that allows variability in loyalty levels. In addition, it is a product that is not only consumed in the home, but even the individual increasingly takes his or her own buying decisions about it.
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Zaynutdinova N., Pálka P. (2017). The Effects on Purchase Intention: The Case of Fruit Juice. Journal of Competitiveness, 9 (3), 111-128.